Maëlle Salmon 🏠 🐦 ma_salmon
Licence CC-BY-SA
Picture by Ann H on Pexels.
BSc in biology, first steps in R, ⚡ really liked R Graph Gallery!
MSc ecology, MPH. Many scripts.
PhD in statistics. Contributions to a package! SVN, R-Forge, manually created Rd, Sweave.
Statistician and data manager. Use of devtools, tidyverse, R Markdown, git, GitHub.
At the same time as discovering devtools &co : Twitter, R blog, package submission to rOpenSci, co-founded R-Ladies Barcelona.
Research software engineer for rOpenSci, e.g. maintaining the package dev guide. 🔧 rOpenSci at useR!
Some work on the next version of pkgdown. ✨
Online book “HTTP testing in R” with Scott Chamberlain. 📖
Course “Scientific Rmd blogging”. 📝
Main manager of the Twitter account of R-Ladies Global. 🐦
Editor for rOpenSci Software Peer Review. 📦
Various talks sharing tips & tricks. 😉
Why & how to follow R news.
How & where to get help with R.
Improve your current work. Example : rex !
Solve your future problems. Example : knowing reticulate exists.
Picture by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.
Learn about tools,
Learn about organizations and people.
Picture by Olya Kobruseva on Pexels.
Twitter #rstats hashtag, Twitter timeline.
GitHub timeline.
Hard to optimize.
Picture by Quang Nguyen Vinh on Pexels.
😌 Don’t be a completist.
✂️ Mute; optimize with Tweetdeck (even regular expressions!) and RefinedGitHub ?
✨ Follow accounts useful for you.
📖 Read Twitter for R programmers.
🤷 And if it doesn’t suit you, don’t use them! Maybe just a Twitter account indicating your homepage?
Picture by cottonbro on Pexels.
RSS feeds of your favorite blogs! Included blogs of tools you use.
useR! 😉 🎉
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Yesterday @asmae_toumi introduced us to {r2d3map} for making web-ready maps...🙌🙌🙌. I can't wait to indulge in it. My people, please attend meetups and conferences...there's always something new to learn.
— Shel 🇰🇪 (@Shel_Kariuki) July 3, 2021
Attend or…
Use online materials (many things these days 😬);
Read schedules;
Read slidedecks;
Watch recordings.
R Weekly conferences section 🚀
Picture by Olya Kobruseva on Pexels.
Big Book of R, collection of links to R books, many of them available for free online!
Pick recent ones.
Picture by Min An on Pexels.
Last super useful R book I read : R Markdown Cookbook by Yihui Xie, Christophe Dervieux, Emily Riederer.
With your colleagues and R friends.
At conferences. 😁
Picture by Christina Morillo on Pexels.
Keeping up-to-date is not following everything live!
No need to read everything.
Every piece of code written in a given language or framework is a step away from any other language, and five more minutes you’ll have to spend migrating it to something else. That’s fine. You just have to decide what you’re willing to be locked into.
Quote by Vicki Boykis “Commit to your lock-in”. Get to work, with your maybe imperfect tools.
Evaluate it!
Like all information. 😁
Ask your R friends for opinion.
For packages there are useful criteria.
Active development ?
Well tested ?
Well documented ?
Popular ?
Developed by someone / an organization you already trust ?
Picture by Tiger Lily on Pexels.
Picture by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.
Problem! Bug! Error!
Question/debate (is there an R tool for foo
? How do I learn bar
? ggplot2 or base plots?)
First, how to solve your problems.
After reasonable efforts.
🔍 Re-read the docs ;
🔍 Use a search engine ;
🔍 Experimenting.
Turn it off and on again !
This and other excellent advice in a talk by Jenny Bryan “Object of type ‘closure’ is not subsettable”.
I love waking up and jumping back into solving a bug and immediately solving it with a fresh mind. Sleep is my favorite coding tool.
— Kelly Vaughn 🐞 (@kvlly) April 23, 2021
Debugging can be frustrating for our first time #RStats students... but maybe it can lead to a spot on Debugging Bingo! DeBug-o? DeBingo?
— Dr. Ji Son (@cogscimom) January 27, 2021
Here's a copy if you want to include the common errors you see in your class!
According to
Evaluate credibility of results (site, authors, date, scores, etc.)
Goal: from a bug in a script to the tiniest example possible.
by Jenny Bryan & its docs
A concept, reprex for “reproducible example.”
An excellent package for running code in a isolated playground & communicating it.
The isolated bug is easier to solve or will be solved by creating it !
You can send your bug in a format ideal for experts !
💣 “debugging” in Advanced R de Hadley Wickham
💣 Webinar “Debugging techniques in RStudio” by Amanda Gadrow
Give up 😭 or ask for help !
Picture by Pixabay on Pexels.
The ideal place depends on:
your confidence level;
your question.
Picture by Sound On on Pexels.
Your colleagues and friends. But also…
Twitter #rstats. Short questions or links to longer questions.
Picture by Marcus Aurelius on Pexels.
Packages. Where to report a bug? Look in docs and search engine.
Stack Overflow. Bugs and short questions.
Mailing lists
Picture by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels.
You might have to ask in several places (one after the other).
More resources:
Picture by Yan Krukov on Pexels.
To Batool Almarzouq and all useR! organizers, and to y’all for listening!
Picture by Ann H on Pexels.
Regular learning, slow but steady usage of reprex…
Picture by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.
Developers, write good docs & changelogs.
Share new-to-you useful information!
Answer others’ questions. It helps you too!
Picture by Armin Rimoldi on Pexels.
To find your way in the R world…
Follow R news as you prefer,
Learn to solve your problems and to ask for help.
Find your community. ✨
Picture by Pixabay on Pexels.